Permanent markers are essential not just for artistry, but you can use them in numerous industrial applications.
They tend to stick to anything, including drywall, wood, skin, fabric, and many other areas where other marks cannot.
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However, when it comes to industrial applications, especially for non-porous surfaces, you will not be able to use regular paint markers, which is why you should get the industrial-grade, commercial ones instead.
Different Options You Can Get
You should know that the paint markers come in numerous types, colors, sizes, and shapes. You can find brand names, general-use, glass- oil-based versions, and many more.
Their main goal is to leave permanent marks on particular surfaces, which you cannot do with regular ones.
The characteristics of industrial paint markers vary depending on numerous factors. You can wear off some of them with detergent, soap, and water, among other things. Others may work on non-porous surfaces, while others can specifically work for general applications and industries.
You can find hundreds of options available on the market, and every single brand will provide you with a vast array of different choices depending on your preferences. In most cases, they tend to list sizes based on millimeters.
Therefore, the tips tend to range between 0.7 mm for fine-tip pens up to 1 mm for medium-tip ones. When it comes to permanent markers, they can achieve broader marks compared with regular pens.
For instance, chisel-tip options can go between four and eight millimeters. On the other hand, paint markers are roughly three millimeters or 1/8-inches, while if you wish to make slight marks, we recommend you to get 1.5 mm or 1/16-inch nibs that will stand the test of time.
Therefore, we can easily say that you can find a paint marker that will meet any task you wish to accomplish, but some applications require other options, including soapstone, a chalk-like substance. You can use it when you want to create removable marks in different sizes.
At the same time, permanent markers can clog when you decide to use them on dusty or oily surfaces, but they are exceptional for porous surfaces and broad lines.
Of course, you can also get wax pencils and welder pens to make sharp lines that will last for a short time. However, welder pens can create cutting marks that are transparent by using a plasma cutter.
The main idea is that paint markers will provide you a durable option on numerous non-porous and porous surfaces, which is an important consideration that you should remember. It is one of the most popular industrial writing tools.
If you wish to use them for metal purposes, you should know that they tend to vary based on resistance to heat and their ability to bind through liquids such as water and oils, among others.
Remember that most marking materials inside feature three essential components: resin, solvent, and pigment. The solvent will keep the paint in a liquid state. The dye will provide you color, and wax will bind to the surface after application.
One of the most significant considerations when choosing the best option for your particular situation is to determine the tip size when selecting a specific element.
You should know that they are useful for metal, but you should consider ones that feature polyester nibs to ensure that the shape will stay the same for a long time. Besides, if you choose acrylic nibs, you can handle rough surfaces, which is another important consideration.
Remember that each element will require a specific approach. For instance, some metals will need different pigments, while some resins will break down at low temperatures, while others can exceed 1800 degrees.
If you wish to find a marker (märkfärg) that requires removal, you should use detergent, window cleaner, or any other type of particular solvents, depending on the resin you used beforehand.
Since the resin type will affect the longevity, you should know that if the metal features rust-inhibiting oil, you should use markers made for hydrophobic-formulated paint that can dry through liquids such as water to provide you everything you wanted in the first place.
Oil-based markers will provide you long-lasting marks for metal, which is great for making cuts, identifying specific components, and dealing with other construction assignments.